Tuesday, July 13, 2010

blog 9

"Bombs bursting in air"
1. sputters to life
3.grouchy teachers
4.morbid interest
5.vibrant, laughing friend
6.shaken to the core of my being
7.no magic barrier
8.we are all doomed
9.apparent cheer and normalcy
10.blind us, like fireworks at the momment of explosion

1.deep sence of futility
2.unnerving irreversibility, entrophy
3.chaotic caldron of randomness
4.terpid kitchen
5.air molecule milling around my kitchen
6.incredibly ordered beauty
7.road to diorder is a one-way street
8.keep them working and well oiled
9.refrigerator conked out
10. disturbed

extra credit: South Carolina democrat nominee


1. Is it right to dump a winning nominee?

2. Is it the democratic parties falt for not endorsing the other canidate enough?

3. If they didn't like the nominee why did they let him run for the democratic party?

Answer to Question 1:
Alvin Greene won the primary for the democratic nomination of South Carolina. People voted him in and if he was a democratic candidate then he most of believed in some of the democratic beliefs. He also won by over 100,000 people votes and the other candidate won only 70,000. The people who vote in the election had to know at least 1 thing about the candidates. I cannot see how they could dump this candidate. Even if he did not attend a lot of democratic meetings he and was not the most perfect nominee he still won. I also read about how he had some bad behavior but that changes little. I have rarely heard of a perfect person. I have never heard of a perfect politician. Everyone has some sort of dirt on them. I am sure that even George Washington was not perfect; today’s media would have found something wrong with him. The people elected him for some reason. The people believed in him for some reason. The Democratic Party has no right to kick someone off the ballot if they have the democratic principles. If you didn’t want him to run for the party you shouldn’t have put him on the ballot. I mean some had to have looked at the ballot and wondered if the candidates were right for the party. To say that just because you did not think the guy would win you didn’t take him off is not good enough. If they get rid of Greene you have to question the people in the Democratic Party.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Blog 10

How to Make Cinnamon Toast
Cinnamon toast is one of my favorite things to make. Here is how you make it. First you need the ingredients. You need a piece of bread, some sugar, cinnamon, and some butter. You first put a piece of bread on a plate. You then use a knife to spread some butter on the bread. You then put the cinnamon and sugar on the piece of bread. The amount of cinnamon and sugar you put on it depends of your taste, for me I put a lot of them both on it because I like cinnamon and sugar. Then you put the bread in the toaster, preferable in a toaster with a flat surface. Then you toast the bread to your preference. After that the cinnamon toast is ready to be eaten. Enjoy the toast.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

blog 8

examples of description in "shooting an Elphant"

1. hideous laughter

2. sneering yellow faces

3. wretched prisoners huddling in the stinking cages

4.the grey, cowed faces
5. evil-spirited little beast
6. a labyrinth of squalid bamboo huts
7. loud scandilized cry
8. an expression of unendurable agony
9. miry waste of paddy fields
10. an enormous senility

Thursday, June 24, 2010

blog 7: handling opposition

Handling opposition for me is different depending on the situation. Most times I seek to avoid conflict and stay away from it like the people in 4th of July. But if I am confronted with an issue I will not back down. I will push through it and hope to find a solution. In Handling Room 15 the person saw what was in front of her and ran away. I would not do that. For example in a math class I had a 60 and did not understand a thing about the subject. I did not give up though. I went to tutoring several times a week and went back to wrong answers to figure out what was wrong with my answer. On the tests she put the hardest questions on them that I could barely figure out. I did not give up. I paced myself and did the easier one first before going back to the harder ones. On the harder ones I looked at every option and refused to turn it in till I knew I had done my best. I ended up getting a B in the class. If had had given up I would have just avoided the issue which would accomplish nothing. So you have to give your best and hope you will get through.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Blog 6

The rainforest is a beautiful place that should not be destoryed. I see how the people of the poor countries can be helped by resources. The rainforest holds a wealth of resources from palm oil used in almost every product to the wood from the trees that is the best kind of wood out there. Poor people of the countrys could come onto millions in a few days. But destroying the rainforest would hurt them even more in the long run. The rainforest hold an enormaus amout of carbon that if realised could cause health problems raound the world. Also there is a wealth of medical knowlenge that could be found in the plants of the rainforest. In fact alot of todays drugs came from the rainforest. It would also harm the mentaly attude of the people. If you allow people to destory the most beautiful places on earth where would we go from there. People will destroy the planet for future generations for the money. Also in most of these countries that hold rainforest the small person is nopt getting all the money they earned, it goes into the hands of dictators or big business. Ther is also the fact that we are destorying the habits of countless animal species. Even if you say it is survial of the fittest you can't help but feel sorry for the poor baby animals that lost their parents due to deforestation of the rainforest. The destruction the the rainforest will bring harm to everyone.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I believe porn should be censored on the airlines. If you want to look at porn you should do it in a private space, not where people can see you doing it. I mean how would you feel if the person next to you looked at porn the whole flight. Most of the flights I fly are pretty full so if someone started to look at porn I couldn't move to another seat. Also on most of the flights I'm on their are no private areas except the restroom. If they did it in the restroom some else might want to go and there may not be and open restroom. To some people it like seating next to a person who throws up on a plane, you want to get away from the person, but sometimes you can't and your stuck. The only way for me to have porn allowed on a plane is if their is a private section on the plane for it. But even taht is a streatch for me. It would probolly raise the price of my flight as well.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

In 1962 the democratic government was taken over by General Ne Win. Since then Burma has been controlled by the military. The military abused the rights of the people in many ways. They put the economy in a deep hole by putting into place bad programs and not putting stop to the corruption that put it on a list as being one of the most corrupt in the world. The people started to protest the government the big one being the 8888 protests. During 1988 the students of universites in Ragoon went to the streets to protest the mismangement of the economy by the government. The government would not allow their power to lessen. They went out into the streets and started to fire on the protestors and anyone who got in their way. This protest lead the way for the first elections in many years, which NLD won most of the seats in the congress. The military however refused to honor the results and to this day the military, under the rule of a Military Junta, council of generals, rules Burma under its harsh grip. The Burmese government has mistreated it's citizens and must be made to pay.