Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I believe porn should be censored on the airlines. If you want to look at porn you should do it in a private space, not where people can see you doing it. I mean how would you feel if the person next to you looked at porn the whole flight. Most of the flights I fly are pretty full so if someone started to look at porn I couldn't move to another seat. Also on most of the flights I'm on their are no private areas except the restroom. If they did it in the restroom some else might want to go and there may not be and open restroom. To some people it like seating next to a person who throws up on a plane, you want to get away from the person, but sometimes you can't and your stuck. The only way for me to have porn allowed on a plane is if their is a private section on the plane for it. But even taht is a streatch for me. It would probolly raise the price of my flight as well.

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