Tuesday, June 8, 2010

In 1962 the democratic government was taken over by General Ne Win. Since then Burma has been controlled by the military. The military abused the rights of the people in many ways. They put the economy in a deep hole by putting into place bad programs and not putting stop to the corruption that put it on a list as being one of the most corrupt in the world. The people started to protest the government the big one being the 8888 protests. During 1988 the students of universites in Ragoon went to the streets to protest the mismangement of the economy by the government. The government would not allow their power to lessen. They went out into the streets and started to fire on the protestors and anyone who got in their way. This protest lead the way for the first elections in many years, which NLD won most of the seats in the congress. The military however refused to honor the results and to this day the military, under the rule of a Military Junta, council of generals, rules Burma under its harsh grip. The Burmese government has mistreated it's citizens and must be made to pay.

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